Flow past rotating blades (vorticity) (Cgins)

Flow past rotating blades (vorticity) (Cgins).

Overture is an object-oriented code framework for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). It provides a portable, flexible software development environment for applications that involve the simulation of physical processes in complex moving geometry . It is implemented as a collection of C++ libraries that enable the use of finite difference and finite volume methods at a level that hides the details of the associated data structures. Overture is designed for solving problems on a structured grid or a collection of structured grids. In particular, it can use curvilinear grids, adaptive mesh refinement, and the composite overlapping grid method to represent problems involving complex domains with moving components. We have also developed techniques for building grids on CAD geometries and for building hybrid grids that can be used with applications that use unstructured grids.

The CG (Composite Grid) Suite of PDE solvers are built on top of Overture and can be used to solve a wide class of problems in continuum mechanics. These solvers include Cgins (incompressible flow), Cgcns (compressible flow), Cgsm (solid mechanics), Cgad (advection diffusion), Cgmx (electromagnetics) and Cgmp (multi-physics and fluid-structure interactions).

Both Overture and the CG solvers are open source and freely available for download.


The latest version of Overture can be obtained from the sourceforge git repository